Contest Stylo: Act 5# Do You Speak English?

I had a strange dream last night...

When I woke up this morning, I found a RM10 note in my hand..
Aik, this is strange. Whose money is this...
Immediately I pretend that it is belongs to me and put it in my back pocket...

Now, I'm walking to my favourite diner to take breakfast..
I almost finish my meal when my phone rang...
"Come here quick," Franky sound panic...

Without paying the bill, I ran like The Flash to get Franky...
Weird... How the hell I know where Franky is...
Franky's face is so serious...
"Look," he show me a broken piggy bank. "My saving is gone. Someone must have steal it.." He looks so sad. He is saving to buy a pen. A pen that has light and makes sound everytime we wrote on a piece of paper. Although for me it's annoying, but Franky wanted it so bad.

"Do you know who steal it," what a stupid question I asked.
"I saw him. In my dream," Franky half whispered.
Dream.... "What is that suppose to mean.." I'm curious.

"I had a strange dream last night," Franky start to explain. " I saw... you," he look into my eyes.
"Me.." I'm shocked and quite blurr...
Franky nod. "Yes, I saw you stole my money," he look into me, deeply. " But it was just a dream." he turn and put his broken piggy bank on the table.

This is strange. I dreamed the same thing last night, as well.
And the money I found... I slip my hand into the pocket and can feel the RM10 note is there.

"How much, " I asked. I feel a little nervous this time. "How much is your lost."
"RM10," he answered while pouring a cup of tea for me. "A RM10 note."

All this while, he only manage to save a RM10 note... So pity...

"My granma gave it to me, on last raya," he continued. "I can still remember the serial number; ABR175081. Hey, let me serve you my home-made biscuit," he ran into the kitchen.

Quickly, I pull out the note and read the serial number : ABR7.... OMG!

"Frank, would you please repet the serial number again," I try to hide my nerve..."

"ABR1754081..." from the kitchen... "Why..."

It is exactly the same... XO

                                                                                                                                Continue Season 2

Ini adalah citer omputih yg aku pertaruhkan untuk contest-stylo-act-5-do-you-speak-english

No, i dun speak English anymore...
It has been years since I use English while training to be a tourist guid in MATTA Schol of Tourism...
Dah lama sgt x guna, dah cincai bonkai dh...

Syarat2 Penyertaan:

1. Bekalkan pengetahuan korg dgn kamus - alamak, kamus pun dh x wujud dh dlm kamus idop aku...
2. Follow blog aku secara paksarela - Dah....
3. Letak banner nie kat entri korg - Dah.....
4. Bina satu citer bermula dgn ayat tersebut:

"I had a strange dream last night. 
When I woke up this morning, I found. . . . . . . "
5. Citer mesti dlm bahasa Inggeris. Bahasa lain2 spt Hindi, Jawa, Tagalog, Korea, Jepun dan sebagainya tak akan dilayan sebab juri tak akan phm bahasa - tau dh tu..Ngehehe...
6. Citer mesti best - HAha.. Tak janji..
7. Tak kesah citer panjang mana, janji citer mesti best - skali lagi ai x janji, okay... XP
8. Sertakan link entri korg kat kotak komen sini - jap lg...
9. Tag 3 org mangsa... muahahaha! - ala, takmo tag la...
10. T.T (tarikh tutup) contest ialah 28 Februari 2011

Aku tag jugak la...

Walaupun dh tau xleh menang (aku tgk melalui laci Nobita), api tetap nk join gak... HUhuhu
Ayat tunggang langgang, grammar pun kejap2 past tense, kejap2 present tense...
Sorry, dh lama sgt tinggalkan English...

Ada lagi contest Jo yg berkaitan dgn gambar aku tak msuk...
Nnti terkena wabak pula bila korg nmpak muka Shrek di alam nyata..
 (tak la seteruk tu ok,... BTW, Shek tu boley tahan gak ensemnyer...)

K la...
Nk tdo.. (wah, pagi baru tdo)...
Mmg, aku ni kan Shrek..
Lagi nk tanya...

Gud Night to Me...
Gud Morning ti Everyone...




  1. knock knock...

    tuan tanah mintak sewa... hehehe

    thanks join contest aku yg stylo nie, siap ada season 2 lagi citer ko neh... takleh blah psl serial number tu hahaha....

    good luck :D

  2. Huhu...

    Xleh blah ke.. Blah kan je la...
    Huhu... :D


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